In order to do justice to what is perceived as a "chick flick," I have convened a committee of young women to evaluate, "Sex and the City."
Judith Barnes -It was an excellent movie about the importance and value of friendship.
Terri Little - "Love never fails;” despite the twists and turns along the way,love prevails eventually.
Leona Dinkins – a well written movie, unpredictable and suspenseful to the very end.
Valerie Thomas - This is definitely a movie woman will appreciate.
Annette Henderson - The plot stayed true to the character's persona on the television show. The writers reintroduced us to the ladies of "Sex and the City" and then gently pulled us into the web of their lives and emotions. From that point on, it was a mixture of humor and tears.

Several ladies said they were not interested in seeing the film and at least one
mentioned that you seldom see a black character on the show and so, the inclusion of
Jennifer Hudson into the film cast was a ploy for box office appeal among blacks - Jennifer was being used as a token.

I can't imagine that there are five men in town who would go to see this film on their own, so it was a pleasure to have the ladies carry the ball and evaluate this
movie for me.

I just hope they didn't go to the movie when they should have been
busy at home, cooking, cleaning and looking good, for their men.
Men who are far too busy earning the big bucks and finding solutions to global warming and massive food shortages, to concern themselves with silly tales of
romance, nail polish, getting hair "did" and other major female issues.

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