“UNSTOPPABLE” reminds me of a football game. The first half is poorly played. Your team is stumbling and fumbling. Things are just plain silly.
The second half begins and you start to see the tide turning for the better. Finally, your team rallies and snatches victory from the jaws of defeat.
“Unstoppable” was at a complete standstill for a long time, but once the last quarter of the film kicked in, the movie soared and atoned for all the previous shortcomings.
Heroes acted heroically and this production, based on an event which took place in Ohio, in 2001, becomes worthy of the effort Denzel Washington and Chris Pine
( Captain Kirk in the recent “STAR TREK” ) put forth in their roles.
The runaway locomotive is like a gigantic, out of control child, meaning no harm, while posing a tremendous threat to human life.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A READER ADDS ANOTHER OPINION ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

You must have over slept or something Mr. "G".
Not sure why you were grumpy about the first half of Unstoppable. I know the second half was on ultra speed-but the build up first half was fine in my mind. Denzel, like Morgan Freeman would be a must watch-listen just reading the phone book! Guess you can tell I'm a fan!
Either way, i thought it was a well spend 90+ minutes.

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