To fully appreciate "THE BUTLER" requires a few things of the audience:
1. be in your seat for the first ten minutes - nothing is more powerful than those early minutes.
2. remind yourself that none of this film takes place during the era of slavery in America - what you witness      is happening to people who are "free" American citizens.
3. you will be emotionally uncomfortable watching the pain of good people trapped in bad situations - this film    conveys the diabolical nature of racism and injustice to a degree I last experienced in watching
   "Schindler's List" explore the sadistic environment of Nazi Germany.

   This film chronicles the journey of one man, who transcends his less than humble beginnings to work at the highest station in his profession, butler at the White House. We are shown the hard work, personal sacrifice and lucky breaks it took for him to arrive at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and to encounter injustice there. 
 I feel I am doing a public service in letting you know that a fine film is available for your viewing. So often we are bombarded with ads to see vampires and robots fight for world domination. This film gives us all a chance to see the best and worst of the real world, it shows us both the highs and lows of this social experiment we call The United States of America. 
  The acting is at such a high level that I can't even consider recognizing most of the cast, you would think I was listing the rooster of a football team. Forest Whitaker is the focal point of the tale, Oprah Winfree is the all too human wife, with both faults and virtues in her well written part.Mariah Carey is key to those traumatic first ten minutes I mentioned. DavidOyelowo is the older son in the family and he provides the information we need about the struggle for human and civil rights in America.
  I will skip a ton of great performers and mention that the villain of those ten minutes I keep referring to is a young English actor, Alex Pettyfer -- you might as well know who you will be hating with such a passion.
  I must salute Director Lee Daniels for his work, he keeps us focused despite the many 
elements which make up this tale.
  This film is a saga and I won't try to capture it all, that would take most of the pages of this publication. I will strongly advise you to see this film,  your friends and neighbors will 
want your opinion and you will want a voice in the discussion that such a movie as this brings forth. 
  One more thought -- when you get to that very last scene, think back to this man's journey starting with those evil ten minutes in the summer of 1926. You will be proud you shared his adventure. 

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